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Love Between The Raindrops

“It was there, on the most beautiful mountain that I’ve ever seen, that Roni’s heart broke. She sat there, staring at the lake and I could tell that, for the first time in her life, she didn’t know what to do.”

In her twenties, Roni Sheinkman’s life took a turn after she experienced a dramatic breakup. She started writing what she felt and sharing her feelings with her Facebook friends and blog readers.

Her blog rapidly gained momentum and more and more readers identified with her words, written with poignant wit, emotionally revealing, and very sensitive. In her stories, Roni places a mirror before her and her readers, reflecting a reality that is not always easy to admit to and cope with, and yet – filled with strength, power and optimism.

Roni Sheinkman, born in Holon in 1992 is an undergraduate student of political science and literature at Tel Aviv University. She started as a teen journalist in a local publication and published a popular blog on “4Girls”.

“Love between the Raindrops” is Roni’s debut novel, introducing her best online posts and other stories

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